For a person who builds habits quite easily, the initial effort that’s required to get the momentum rolling is obviously the hardest part, but the main culprit is always self doubt. For someone who loves self betterment, and building good habits, the biggest monster I have to slay on my way to doing everything I want is in my own head.
After being in sales for over 4 years, I know the only way to get over whatever you think you’ll suck at, is to just execute it. With minimal thought. Make the call, start the course, walk into the gym, hit the publish button. Blindly, before you can think about it.
The biggest secret in all that? Don’t give the perfectionist in your head any stage time. Not in the initial phase.
Stuttering, stumbling, bad form, horrible stamina, discomfort. Don’t do it in spite of all of the above, do it because of all of the above.
Tell yourself you’ll look dumb, you’ll feel like an imposter, people will judge and point and laugh.
You don’t know where it will go, if anywhere. And good. That’s why. That’s why you’re doing it.
I’m talking to myself here.
Hit publish. Then do it again and again.
Publish 🙂