Let’s get the most important thing out of the way first. This was BY FAR the cheapest food expense month in as long as I can remember.
My meals were NOT small. They were filling, nutrient dense, and so satiable that most days I’d forget to eat lunch, simply because my body didn’t need it. I was always a two meals a day kinda girl, and I reverted back to that.
I of course cut out snacks, aside from berries or the occasional date. The money I saved not going to Starbucks, honestly that in itself was enough.
So, lets get into it. What did the shopping cart look like? Here it is.
So many berries!
I’m my breakfast post I talked about my chia breakfast pudding. I absolutely drowned it in berries, worked out cause they happened to be unbelievably cheap for the first week or so of my diet. In season foods are the way to go.
A LOT of bacon! Jk don’t overdo it here, I’m a big believer in eating proteins and fats, but you don’t want to have bacon for every meal for a months… I mean you want to but, don’t?
Farmland bacon is amazing, but the classic cut is paper thin, and the “thick” cut is your regular ol’ thin, but don’t hold that against them.
Steamed broccoli florets. 10/10 just add salt.
The Lord has blessed me with the ability to eat the same exact meals for weeks and love that shit EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. (Until I over do it and can’t stand the sight of them) Point being, I don’t get bored with food quickly.
One meal I ate every day for the first week was tuna salad. Canned Tuna, cheap AF, celery, also cheap AF and it LASTS. Add super expensive AF Whole30 approved Mayo (I used Primal Kitchen brand). Half of a mashed avocado. GAME CHANGER. Lil salt. Lil peppa.
Burgers are the easiest way to pass the time. Throw a mountain on toppings on that naughty boy. My go to is two, not one, two mayos, Primal Kitchen Chipotle and regular. Pickles. Pickled jalapenos. Bacon. Mushrooms. Avocado.
That lasted the first week.
The latter part of the diet I switched to salmon, steak, and my lovely green salad.
This salad may not look like much, but let me tell you, that is an accurate assessment.
Well at least looks wise, flavor-wise, muy bien.
- Romain
- Avocado
- Dill
- Cucumber
- Dressing – salt+avocado oil+red wine vinegar
She’s a goodin
That’s all. See ya.